Annual Taxes

Annual Taxes

Annual Taxes

Annual Taxes


Heard is the financial back office for therapists by taking care of therapist bookkeeping, taxes and providing financial insights. Annual taxes are a daunting task, especially for mental health therapists who are juggling client care while also learning the ropes of being business owners. Therapists are academics, not business people and taxes are as nerve-wracking as it gets. Heard began providing an annual tax experience in 2021 and it was a whirlwind experience for both customers and internal teams. 

Heard had marginally survived its second year of providing annual tax preparation for its customer base. Customers that didn’t churn were incredibly upset, felt out of the loop and experienced a numbing sense of high anxiety throughout the annual tax season. Internally, Heardians were burnt out from long hours of manual processes and constant follow-ups with customers and tax preparers. As the new 2023 tax year was approaching, the Executive Leadership Team wanted to make sure that we did everything we could to ensure customer success and internal team psychological safety during this period. A dedicated cross-functional team was assembled to begin working on the new tax year experience. As the tax team was being assembled, I led all discovery research to get to the root cause of what worked, what didn’t work and what customers and Heardians needed for success in the 2023 tax season.

My contribution

Discovery user research
Product strategy
Stakeholder alignment

The team

Director of Design
1 x Staff Product Designer
1 x Product Manager
1 x Senior Manager, Tax Operations
3 x Engineers




Discovery Research Parameters

The discovery research phase was comprised of 5 parts:

  • Audit the previous 2 years of tax preparation for Sole Proprietor and S-corporation customers. This encompassed looking at retros, notes and ZenDesk support tickets.

  • Interview churned and current customers who participated in the 2022 annual tax year.

  • Interview stakeholders and supporting tax preparation departments. 

  • Create a customer journey map and a service blueprint outlining all customer/Heardian touchpoints.

  • Generate a research report highlighting areas of success, opportunities for improvements and customer-focused experience recommendations.

Discovery Research Learnings

Using the Validation, Education and Transparency framework, here were the actionable insights that were shared with the Tax and Executive Leadership Teams:

  • Validation

    • Therapists aren’t trained businesspeople. They seek expert guidance from accounting and tax professionals. They’re focused on providing the best possible mental health therapy for their clients, not becoming CPAs. We should tailor the tax experience to meet their needs, not our own KPIs. 

    • Therapists are seekers of knowledge. They want to understand the whys behind decisions and the importance of the steps they have to take. 

    • Close the loop. Therapists want to see how the tasks we ask them to complete lead to outcomes. 

      • What is the point of uploading monthly statements?

      • Why do you need my spouse’s W2? 

  • Education

    • Make things easy to understand. Customers want to understand what is needed for a successful tax filing.

    • It’s important that we connect the dots for customers. We need to explain how the specific steps they take lead to desired outcomes and demonstrate that we’re in this process together. 

    • Humanize complexity. We need to replace complex tax-code language with simple human language.

      • File Tax Form 1120S → File Your Business Tax Form (1120S)

      • Complete your reconciliation → Review Your Expenses

  • Transparency

    • Taxes are a scary and uncertain process, so customers want assurances that they’re private practice and their individual needs are maximized.

    • Because of their academic background, customers wanted a way to follow the progress and complete all necessary tasks.

    • Therapists approach their private practice’s tasks in 50-minute blocks of time. It is important that customers are informed of how long a given task will take so they can accommodate the necessary time. The most ideal is to break down tasks to fit within the 50-minute time frame. 

    • We want customers to analyze their data in Heard to make the right choices for their private practice.

    • There was a lack of awareness of the next steps. Customers felt uncertain of what else they needed to do to help complete their annual tax filings by the deadline.

Tax Team Delivery

Once the discovery research was completed and the team was walked through the learnings, I moved to a consult and support role. During the transition, I met with the Staff Product Designer, Product Manager, ENG Lead, and Senior Manager, Tax, to do deep dives into the discovery research. The team took the learnings and implemented them into four tax features. 

The tax team delivered four experiences that focused on guiding, informing, and collecting customers' business and individual tax-related information to provide a seamless, low-anxiety annual tax experience.

All workflows maintained their focus on communicating with customers while providing our internal team with the necessary documents for tax preparation. These experiences ensured to answer these set of questions: 

  • How long does a workflow take to complete?

  • What can a customer expect? 

  • What is needed from a customer?  

  • What is the next step?  

Tax Season Kick-off (TSK)

  • This workflow focused on confirming their tax filing needs, checking for life event changes and providing customers with an overview of the 2023 tax season: 

    • 98% of customers signed up for Heard to complete their taxes

    • 96% of our customer completed all tax forms

    • The average TSK was completed in less than 90 seconds

Year-End Review (YER):

  • This workflow was an opportunity for customers to close their books and provide insight on any pending income and/or expense transactions that needed clarification


  • This workflow helped customers complete 1099’s for contractors they paid more than $600 in 2023

Tax Checklist (TC)

  • This workflow is the “turbo-tax” like feature that helped customers identify tax deductions, provide tax forms and other tax-related materials


Heard was able to successfully process 5x the volume of tax returns from the previous 2022 tax year. Customers were able to complete their taxes in record time. 78% of customers who participated in the new annual tax experience mentioned that they were very likely to have Heard file their annual taxes for 2024 vs the industry average of 15% tax filing satisfaction. The discovery research was instrumental in providing the contextual narrative for how each customer touchpoint should guide customers throughout the entire annual tax process. The company made a complete 180-degree positive turn in providing customers with the best possible experience while enabling the internal teams to not drown in manual processes or burn out all while doubling the number of customers we serve year over year.

I’m Josue — design leader based in Los Angeles

I’m Josue — design leader based in Los Angeles

I’m Josue — design leader based in Los Angeles